
2005-2006 Graduates

Click on a Name for Photo, IM Story, & Recent News

  • Matt Hernandez, M.S.

    Matt Hernandez

    Spring 2005, Marketing and Summer 2006, MS in Sport Management

    Now (Fall 2013): Teaching high school and coaching flag football (#2 in Florida in 2010 and 2011) down in greater Tampa area. Part of our second IM marriage (Kelly). Added a daughter in 2013.

    IM Story: Playing, coaching, or officiating... Matt is a man of many talents. The Hernandez Trailer hosted many unofficial IM events.

  • Bob Larkin

    Bob Larkin

    Fall 2005, Finance

    Now (Fall 2013): Relocated to Colorado with his wife Rene. Still working in finance, now raising honeybees

    IM Story: Reigned supreme over IM volleyball earning championship titles with four teams.

  • Meghan Maloney

    Meghan Maloney

    Spring 2006, Rec and Leisure Studies

    Now (Fall 2013): After several years in the Tampa Bay Rays front office as an assistant to the VP of Facilities, relocated to south Florida for new opportunity.

    IM Story: Dominated IM co-rec and women's leagues for nearly a decade. Wait, she was in school for nearly a decade.

  • Kelly Mazone Hernandez, M.Acc.

    Kelly Mazone

    Spring 2005, Accounting and Summer 2006, Master's in Accounting

    Now (Fall 2013): Now working for the IRS. Beware. Part of our second IM marriage (Matt). Added a daughter in 2013.

    IM Story: Part of the CAC/Xanadu empire that ruled IM Sports from 2004-2006.

  • Matt McCausey

    Matt McCausey

    Spring 2006, Political Science

    Now (Spring 2012): Taking his marketing skills to the DC area to head up regional promotions for a major car company.

    IM Story: Still wondering just what exactly McCausey did on the job. He did manage to dream up some good ideas for the program.

  • Bryan Mennona

    Bryan Mennona

    Fall 2005, Real Estate

    Now (Fall 2012): Recently married. Enjoying the mountains of Colorado, resides in Englewood and working for Kroenke Sports Enterprises.

    IM Story: Always a champion, but never actually won one in his 4-year Intramural Sports career. Pinned in less than 20 seconds in lone IM wrestling bout.

  • Brooke Turner, M.S.

    Brooke Turner

    Spring 2006, MS in Sport Administration

    Now (Fall 2014): Now Director of Intramural Sports & Sport Clubs at the University of Alabama.

    IM Story: Athletic stories are sparse. But interestingly, Dave had actually worked with Brooke while she was in high school... of course, we didn't realize that until after we hired her as GA. Scary.

  • Patricia Woon

    Patricia Woon

    Spring 2006, Child Development

    Now (Fall 2013): Moving to DC after work as the Early Childhood Educator, a.k.a. the "Cool Teacher", at Baptist Health South Florida in Miami.

    IM Story: No troubles... anytime there was a problem it was "not on my shift" said P-Dubs.


Visit our 2005-2006 IM Staff Photo Gallery for group pictures and candids from the year's events.


Program Awards: Cory Supple (Employee of the Year), Matt Hernandez (Supervisor), Rec Soccer (Sport Committee), Cynthia Williams (Official), Michael Craft (Rookie), Anna Featherman (Unsung Hero)

Directors: Mark Crager (IM and SC), David Peters (IM and SC)

Assistant Directors: David Peters (IM), Travis Redeker (SC)

Graduate Assistant: Brooke Turner (IM)

Program Assistant: Scott Moriak (IM)